40 Soal Elliptic and Parallel Construction Lengkap Beserta Pembahasannya

Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda Elliptic and Parallel Construction Beserta Jawabannya
1. Kris does not have a pen. Kris does not have paper.
The two sentences can be combined Into: ____ .
A. Kris does not have a pen but paper
B..Kris has neither a pen nor paper
C. Kris either a pen or paper
D. Kris does not have a pen
E. Kris does not only have a pen but also paper
Pembahasan :
Beberapa ungkapan yang menyatakan bahwa Kris tidak memiliki pen dan paper adaIah: Kris doesn’t have both a pen and paper; Kris doesn’t have not only a pen but also paper; atau Kris has neither a pen nor paper.
Jawaban : B
2. Becauseof the rain, the teacher couldn’t come on time and ___
A. I neither could
B. neither did I
C. also I couldn’t
D. I couldn’t either
E. so I didn’t
Pembahasan :
Kalimat eIiptik untuk pernyataan diatas adaIah : I couldn’t either; neither could I; atau nor I could
Jawaban : D
3. Andy agreed that everybody had to pay Rp.50.000 for the study tour to Bali, _____.
A. neither was I
B. but I'm not
C. so am I
D. while I didn't
E. I didn’t either
Pembahasan :
Kalimat eliptik yang diminta mengacu pada kata kerja agreed bentuk past tense sehingga kalimat eliptiknya menggunakan did atau didn't. Alternatif kalimat elipnya adalah : I did too, so did I atau but (while) I didn’t. Jawaban : D
4. ‘Yanti didn't like the movie and Tanti didn’t either,’ means ___ .
A. Yanti and Tanti didn’t like the movie
B. Yanti didn't like the movie as much as Tanti did
C. Only Yanti didn’t like the movie
D. Yanti didn’t like the movie but Tanti did
E. One of the two girls didn’t like the movie
Ungkapan Tati didn’t either menunjukkan bahwa Tati juga tidak menyukai film sebagai mana’Yanti.
Jawaban :A
5. ’I don't think Amir knows anything about computers'.
'But he ___ . He took a computer course last year.’
A. knows
B. does
C. know
D. do
E. is
Kalimat elip yang diminta menunjuk pada kata kerja knows sehingga kalimat elipnya dapat menggunakan do atau does. Karena subjeknya he maka yang digunakan adalah does.
Jawaban : B
6. I think that my mother wIll be Interested in reading this novel, but ____.
A. so will my father
B. my father won't
C. so does my father
D. my father is not
E. my father will be
Pembahasan :
Kata penghubung but digunakan untuk menunjukkan pertentangan. Jika sebelumnya will (positif), maka sesudahnya adalah won't (negatif)
Jawaban : B
7. 'Ridwan believes that advertisements on TV are most effective'.
A. As I do
B. The same I do
C. So do I
D. I do also
E. So do I
Alternatif bentuk elip yang bisa digunakan adalah I do too atau so do I. Kata also tidak digunakan untuk membentuk kalimat elip. Sedang as dan the same digunakan dalam bentuk perbandingan.
Jawaban : C
8. ’I wonder if your sister likes seafood.
'Oh, yes she ___.’
A. wonders
B. likes
C. does
D. is
E. has
Pembahasan :
Karena kalimat elipnya mengacu pada kata kerja (wonder), maka yang digunakan adalah do atau does.
Jawaban : C
9. His shop was burned down, ____ his car that was parked nearby.
A. and either did
B. also was
C. but neither was
D. so did
E. and so was
Pembahasan :
Pernyataan dalam bentuk positlf. Bentuk elip yang digunakan adalah so dan too. Predikat kalimat menggunakan to be (was burned) maka kalimat elipnya juga menggunakan to be.
Jawaban : E
10. I think you had better tell her the truth before somebody else___.
A. can
B. tells
C. had
D. did
E. does
Kata had better (sebaiknya) diperlukan seperti kata kerja bentuk present sehingga elipnya menggunakan do atau does. Karena subjeknya orang ketiga tunggal (somebody), yang digunakan adalah does.
Jawaban :E
Baca Juga :
- 40 Soal Participle Pilihan Ganda Lengkap Beserta Pembahasannya
- Contoh Soal Adjective Clause, Adverb Clause & Noun Clause Lengkap Beserta Pembahasannya
11. ’I haven’t heard anything from Leni.’
A. So have I
B. I haven’t also
C. Either have I
D. Neither have |
E. Me, neither
Pembahasan :
Kalimat pernyataan dalam bentuk negatif. Kalimat elipnya menggunakan either. neither, atau nor. Selengkapnya adalah l
haven’teither, neither have I, atau nor have I.
Jawaban : D
12. Reza: ‘Have you completed your homework?’
Budl:‘Exactly, l have. And you?’
Reza: 'l have too.’
From the dialogue we know that ______.
A. Reza has completed the homework but not Budi
B. Reza has not completed the homework but Budi does
C. Budi has completed the homework but Reza hasn't
D. They have not completed their homework
E. They have completed their homework
Jawaban Reza: 'l have too' menunjukkan bahwa dia telah menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumahnya. Dengan demikian Reza dan Budi telah menyelesaikannya.
13. ‘I don’t like his way of treating patients.'
' ____ his attitude towards his subordinates'.
A. You don’t like
B. Whether I don’t like
C. Don’t like
D. I don’t like it either
E. Nor do I like
Jawaban orang kedua menunjukkan bahwa dia ingin menambahkan hal lain yang juga tidak dia sukai selain his way of treating patients yaitu his attitude towards his subordinates. Karena bentuknya negatif. (don’t like), ungkapan yang digunakan adalah Nor do I atau Neither do like. Jawaban : E
14. Hamdi: ‘Do you agree with the system of direct presidential election?’
Burhan: 'Members of the parliament object to the system, and I do, too.’
From the dialogue we can conclude that Burhan ___ with the system.
A. supports
B. disagrees
C. approves
D. accepts
E. denies
Bagian akhir jawaban Burhan, and Ida too (dan saya juga) menunjukkan bahwa dia juga keberatan (tidak setuju) dengan the system of direct presidential election.
Jawaban : B
15. 'I don’t see any direction to get to the waterfall.’
’___ to show us the way.’
A. Also there are no guides
B. We can also not have guides
C. Nor are there any guides
D. There are no guides
E. So guides are not there
Pembahasan :
Kalimat eliptik dari pernyataan negatif (don’t see) menggunakan either atau nor.
Jawaban : C
16. ’What has made Wijaya so well-known today?’
' ____'
A. He is also only a good artist, but not a scholar
B. Only is he not a good artist, but a scholar
C. Also he is a good artist only, but not a scholar
D. He is not only a good artist, but also a good scholar
E. Only he is an artist and also a scholar, but nit good
Frase not only dipakai bergandengan dengan but also. Dari segi makna, yang memungkinkan menjadikan Wijaya terkenal adalah karena dia tidak hanya menjadi artis yang bagus tetapi juga sarjana yang baik
Jawaban : D
17. They can neither give him a part-time job, as a trainee in their company.
A. and also not accept him
B. they cannot accept him
C. not accept him
D. but also not accept him
E. as well as not accepting him
Kata neither dipakai berpasangan dengan nor
Jawaban : C
18.Most developing countries are not only heavily burdened with foreign debts ___ such as unemployment.
A. with problems in society also
B. as well as social problems
C. and problems in society too
D. but also with social problems
E. and also problems in society
Frase not only dipakai bergandengan dengan but also.
Jawaban : D
19. ‘What are your mother hobbies?’
'Growing orchids and __ antique jewelry.'
A. collects
B. she collects
C. collecting
D. to collect
E. is collecting
Kata and merupakan konjungsi paralel. Dengan demikian, kata, frase, atau klausa yang digabung dengan konjungsi tersebut bentuknya harus pararel (setara). Jika sebelumnya berbentuk Ving (growing), sesudahnya juga Ving.
Jawaban :C
20. The children enjoy playing on the beach and ___.
A. swim in the ocean
B. to swim in the ocean
C. swimming in the ocean
D. they are swimming in the ocean
E. to be swimming in the ocean
Pembahasan :
Kata and merupakan konjungsi paralel. Dengan demikian, kata, frase, atau klausa yang digabung dengan konjungsi tersebut bentuknya harus pararel (setara). Jika sebelumnya berbentuk Ving (playing), sesudahnya juga Ving.
Jawaban: C
21. I know Dody as an awfully loyal employee and ___ .
A. he works very hard
B. a person who works very hard
C. he is very hard working person
D. a person working very hard
E. a very hard worker
Pembahasan :
Kata and merupakan konjungsi paralel. Dengan demikian, kata, frase, atau klausa yang digabung dengan konjungsi tersebut bentuknya harus pararel (setara). Jika sebelumnya berbentuk frase (an awfully loyal employee), sesudahnya juga frase.
Jawaban : E
22. A taxi driver who witnessed the accident took my injured brother to the hospital and then ___ my parents.
A. call
B. called
C. calling
D. to call
E. was calling
Kata and merupakan konjungsi paralel. Dengan demikian, kata, frase, atau klausa yang digabung dengan konjungsi tersebut bentuknya harus pararel (setara). Jika sebelumnya kata kerja V2 (took), sesudahnya juga V2.
Jawaban : B
23. People like to go to that restaurant because of its quick service and ____ .
A. friendly waiters
B. their friendly waiters
C. the friendliness of the waiters
D. the waiters being friendly
E. the waiters who are friendly
Jika sebelum and berupa frase (quick service), sesudahnya juga frase. Karena sudah diawali kata ganti its, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah A. Jawaban B salah karena kata ganti yang digunakan theirs, padahal mengacu pada restaurant (singular/tunggal).
Jawaban :A
24. Ecologists are trying to preserve our environment for future generations by purifying the air and ___ .
A. forests are replanted
B. have forests replanted
C. replant forests
D. they replant forests
E. replanting forests
Jika sebelumnya berbentuk Ving (purifying), sesudahnya juga Ving.
25. Please remind me to return the book and ___ my library card.
A. that I renew
B. to renew
C. lmust renew
D. renewing
E. have to renew
Jika sebelumnya berbentuk To-V1 (to return), sesudahnya juga To-V1.
Jawaban :B
26. 'The food in this restaurant is neither cheap nor good: means: 'The food is ____ expensive, but also not tasty.'
A. not only
B. as well as
C. instead of
D. no more
E. not ever
Frase not only dipakai bergandengan dengan but also.
Jawaban : A
27. The workers are demanding not only a raise in salary. but also ____.
A. they want a longer annual leave
B. to have a longer annual leave
C. a longer annual leave they asked
D. in getting a longer annual leave
E. a longer annual leave
Pembahasan :
Kata but merupakan konjungsi paralel. Dengan demikian, kata, frase, atau klausa yang digabung dengan konjungsi tersebut bentuknya harus pararel (setara). Jika sebelumnya kata kerja frase (a raise in salary), sesudahnya juga frase (a longer annual leave).
Jawaban : E
28. The flowers were judged for their unusual colors, pleasant fragrance, and ____ .
A. attractively shaped
B. attractive shape shaped
C. attractively
D. attractive, shapely
E. shaped and attractive
Jika sebelum and berupa frase (unusual colors, pleasant fragrance), sesudahnya juga frase.
Jawaban : B
29. 'The successful athletes got medals and money.’ means: ‘They got ____ medals but also money.
A. not only
B. as well as
C. instead of
D. no more
E. not even
Frase not only dipakai berpasangan dengan but also.
Jawaban : A
30. The way Professor Mattis teaches English not only keeps the students' interest ______.
A. and also increases their motivation
B..but also increasing their motivation
C. and he also increasing their motivation
D. but also increases their motivation
E. and also to increase their motivation
Frase not only dipakai berpasangan dengan but also. Jawaban B salah karena menggunakan Ving, sehingga tidak setara dengan kata kerja sebelumnya V1.
Jawaban : D
31. 'How do I get to Bogor from Jakarta?' 'Well, you can take either ____.’
A. the bus and the train
B. the bus or the train
C. the bus as well as the train
D. the bus and the train too
E. the bus and also the train
Kata either dipakai berpasangan dengan or.
Jawaban : B
32. Hanny became the focus of attention when she wore a colorful dress and ___ at my birthday party.
A. her behavior is foolish
B. was a fool
C. behaved foolishly
D. her foolishness
E. her foolish behavior
Jika sebelum and berupa V2 (wore), sesudahnya juga V2.
Jawaban : C
33. The great number of unskilled labor and ___ has made it diflicult for the company’s product to compete with those of other companies.
A. there are no experienced managers
B. nor are there experienced managers
C. inexperienced manager
D. neither are the managers experienced
E. the managers are all inexperienced
Pembahasan :
Jika sebelum and hem pa frase (unskilled Iabor), sesudahnya juga frase.
Jawaban : C
34. Tini’s frequent absence from school and ___ for almost all subjects are caused by her addiction to narcotics.
A. she has bad grades
B. her grades that are bad
C. her bad grades
D. that her grades are bad
E. all her grades are bad
Pembahasan :
Jika sebelum and berupa frase (Tini’s frequent absence from school), sesudahnya juga frase.
Jawaban : C
35. Parliament members were troubled not only by the present political condition ____
A. but the current socio-economic condition is also bad
B. as so is the current socio-economic condition
C. besides the current socio-economic condition is bad
D. but also by the current socIo-economic condition
E. as well as the current socio-economic condition
Frase not only dipakai berpasangan dengan but also.
Jawaban : D
36. The higher rate of pollution in this area is caused by the increasing number of cars as well as by ____.
A. the smoke from factories are emitted
B. the factories emit smoke
C. the smoke which factory emit
D. the factory smoke is emitted
E. the emission of the smoke from factories
Konjungsi as well as, seperti halnya and dan but merupakan konjungsi parallel sehingga bentuk sebelum dan sesudahnya harus setara. Jika sebelumnya berupa frase (the increasing number of cars) maka sesudahnya juga frase (the emission of the smoke from factories).
Jawaban : E
37. 'I wonder how Laura will ever manage the business after her father died in the car accldent.’
’She has both the expertise in running the business and ___.’
A. the strong support from all the members of her family
B. all the members of the family strongly support her too
C. she is also supported by all the members of her family
D. there is the strong support from all the members of her family
E. she has the strong support from all the members of her family
Jika sebelum and berupa frase (the expertise in running the business), sesudahnya juga frase.
Jawaban : A
38. ___ but also goes to school in the evening.
A. Not only Tono works in the morning
B. Only Tono does not work in the morning
C. Not only does Tono work in the morning
D. Tono does not work in the morning only
E. Tono works not only in the morning
Berdasar pada konteks kalimatnya, bagian yang diparalelkan adalah kata kerja ’goes’ dan 'work'. Pola kalimat yang benar seharusnya Tono not only works in the morning, but also goes to school in the evening atau apabila Not only diawal kalimat dapat menggunakan bentuk inversi (seperti kalimat tanya) dan kalimatnya akan menjadi Not only does Tono work in the morning, but also goes to school in the evening.
Jawaban : C
39. Advertisements both influence people's spending habits ____.
A. their standards of living is also raised
B. but also the raising of their standard of living
C. they can raise their standard of living, too
D. and raise their standard of living
E. as well as the raise in their standard of living
Kata both dipakai berpasangan dengan and.
Jawaban : D
40. They have worked hard to prevent excessive government spending, protect environment, and ___.
A. provide quality education
B. the providing of quality education
C.providing quality education
D. quality education is provided
E. for providing quality education
Jika sebelum and berupa V1 (protect), sesudahnya V1 (provide).
Jawaban : A
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