Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda Direct and Indirect Speech dan Jawabannya

1. 'lt will be a wonderful trip," Ani told them. We can say:
Ani told them that it ______ a wonderful trip. A. was
B. will be
C. would be
D. will have been
E. would have been
Pembahasan :
Introductory verb pada kalimat tersebut berbentuk past tense (told). Sehingga tenses pada kalimat langsung (will be) akan berubah menjadi past tense pada kalimat tidak langsungnya (would be).
Jawaban :C
2. He said to me, ”What are you doing now?"
He asked me ___.
A. what are you doing now
B. what were you doing now
C. what was I doing then
D. what I was doing then
E. what am I doing now
Introductory verb pada kalimat tersebut berbentuk past tense (said). Sehingga tenses pada kalimat langsung (are doing) akan berubah menjadi past tense pada kalimat tidak langsungnya (was doing). Pola kalimat berubah dari kalimat tanya menjadi kalimat berita dan adverb of time dari now menjadi then.
Jawaban : D
3. Sean asked the professor whether he ___ turn in his paper two days after the deadline.
A. can
B. might
C. ought to
D. may
E. would
Pernyataan 'Sean asked the professor’ mengharuskan kalimat yang mengikutinya dalam bentuk indirect past. Pernyataan aslinya adalah ’May I turn in my paper two days after the deadline?. Modal may berubah menjadi might dalam pola affirmative.
4. My family advised my sister ___ in early ages.
A. do not get married
B. not to get married
C. did not get married
D. not getting married
E. not get married
Pernyataan my parents advised my sister menyiratkan kalimat berikutnya berbentuk imperative. Pernyataan kalimat langsungnya adalah ‘Do not get married in early ages'. Larangan (do not) berubah menjadi not to dalam pola affirmative.
5. The chairman of the meeting asked me ____ the proposal.
A. had I signed
B. how was my signature for
C. whether l had signed
D. when is my signature for
E. that I had signed
Indirect speech yang susunannya berasal dari interrogative direct speech (kalimat tanya yang membutuhkan jawaban yes/no), susunannya selalu affirmative (pernyataan) dan tidak menggunakan kata kerja bantu sebelum subjeknya. lnterrogative direct speech seIaIu menggunakan kata tanya atau if/whether sebagai kata hubung sehingga jawaban yang tepat C.
Jawaban : C
6. Because we still had plenty of time. l told the crew ____ .
A. do not hurry
B. not to hurry
C. let us not hurry
D. not hurrying
E. they does not hurry
Pembahasan: Indirect speech tersebut berasal dari I told the crew, ’ Do not hurry !’. Larangan (do not) berubah menjadi not to dalam pola affirmative.
Jawaban : B
7. The teacher asked Sita, ’Why did you make many mistakes?’.
The teacher wondered ____ .
A. why she made many mistakes
B. why she had made many mistakes
C. why did she made many mistakes
D. why had she made many mistakes
E. why has she made many mistakes
Perubahan dari kalimat langsung menjadi tidak langsung membuat pola kalimat tanya pada kalimat langsung menjadi kalimat berita pada kalimat tidak langsung, sehingga pilihan C, D, dan E tidak tepat. Introductory verb berbentuk past dan verb pada direct speechnya berbentuk past tense, sehingga pada dependent clausenya berbentuk past perfect.
Jawaban : B
8. Which of the following is correctly punctuated?
A. The teacher warned the students, ’turn in all your assignments a week before the final test’
B. The teacher warned the students: turn in all your assignments a week before the final test.
C. The teacher warned the students, ’Turn in all your assignments a week before the final test!’
D. The teacher warned the students, turn in all your assignments a week before the final test.
E. The teacher warned the students, turn in all your assignments a week before the final test!
Penulisan tanda baca pada direct speech yang benar adalah diapit oleh dua tanda petik (') atau kutip (”) dan huruf pertama pada kalimat Iangsung menggunakan huruf kapital. Untuk kalimat perintah, digunakan tanda seru pada akhir kalimat.
Jawaban :C
9. She told Beni ____ .
A. that he stayed there till you came’
B. to stay there till she came
C. stayed here till I came
D. stay here till I came stay here till she came
Indirect speech tersebut berasal dari She told Beni, ’Stay here till I come!’. Perintah (stay) berubah menjadi to stay dalam pola affirmative, here berubah menjadi there, dan I berubah menjadi she.
10. Albert asked me why l had taken his book.
The sentence means ____ .
A. Albert said that I took his book
B. Albert asked me if l had taken his book C. Albert wanted to know why he had taken his book
D. Albert wanted to know why I had taken his book
E. Albert wanted to know why he had taken my book.
Indirect speech tersebut berasal dari Albert asked me, ’Why did you take my book’. Kata tanya why digunakan untuk menanyakan alasan (wanted to know). You berubah menjadi I.
Jawaban : D
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