Contoh Soal Adjective Clause, Adverb Clause & Noun Clause Lengkap Beserta Pembahasannya

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Adjective Clause, Adverbial Clause, Noun Clause Beserta Pembahasannya
1. Tom's father, __ health hasn’t been so good lately, is in hospital right now.
A. who is
B. whose
C. his
D. of whom
E. of which
Relative pronoun untuk menyatakan kepunyaan (his health) adalah whose.
Jawaban : B
2. The book is __ only available in the library.
A. from which these two chapters are taken
B. these two chapters are taken
C. where there two chapters are taken
D. it was from them the two chapters are taken
E. the two chapters are taken
Asal kalimat soale adaIah: The book is only available in the library. Those two chapters are taken from it (the book). Kalimat gabungannya adalah The book which these two chapters are taken from is only available in the library. Dalam penulisan yang baku (formal) preposisinya diletakkna di awal adjective clause sehingga kalimatnya menjadi The book from which these are taken is only available in the library.
Jawaban : A
3. This is the place __ the Dutch imprisoned Pangeran Diponegoro.
A. on which
B. where
C. there
D. that
E. which
Pembahasan :
Untuk menerangkan tempat digunakan where (place)
Jawaban : B
4. 'Where did the start?’
'In the warehouse __ my brother worked last year.’
A. where
B. there
C. that
D. which
E. in there
Untuk menerangkan tempat digunakan where (warehouse)
Jawaban : A
5. This is Mr. Flash __.
A. which I told you
B. whom I told you
C. I told you
D. that I told you
E. about which I told you
Kalimat asaInya adalah: This is Mr. Flash. I told you about him. Kalimat gabungannya menjadi This is Mr. Flash whom I told you
about atau This is Mr. Flash about whom I told you.
Jawaban : B
6. The yellow card, ____, is only issued for employees.
A. one cannot enter the factory without
B. which without it one cannot enter the factory
C. no one cannot enter the factory without it
D. without which one cannot enter the factory
E. without it one cannot enter the factory
Pembahasan :
Dalam penulisan yang baku (formal) preposisinya (without) di letakkan di awal adjective clause.
Jawaban : D
7. The lady ___ this letter is addressed had
moved to another city.
A. who
B. to which
C. to whom
D. whom
E. which
Asal kalimat soal adalah The lady has moved to another city. This letter is addressed to her. Kalimat gabungannya menjadi The lady to whom this letter is addressed had moved to another city.
Jawaban : C
8. ’Who called you last night?’
’The student ___.’
A. which I bought the typewriter from
B. from him I bought the typewriter
C. I bought the typewriter from him
D. from whom i bought the typewriter
E. his typewriter I bought
Alternatif jawaban yang mungkin adalah The student from whom I bought the typewriter atau The student whose typewriter
Jawaban : D
9. I wanted to know ___.
A. from whom did Ari hear the news?
B. the news Ari heard from whom
C. who did Ari hear the news from
D. from whom Ari heard the news
E. Ari heard the news from whom
Klausa yang mengawali kalimat (I wanted to know) berupa kalimat berita dan bagian yang ditanyakan merupakan objek sehingga pola kalimatnya harus dalam bentuk kalimat berita dengan preposisi (from ) dia awal klausa.
Jawaban : D
10. I’ve lost the piece of paper ___ .
A. I wrote Ida’s address on it
B. on it I wrote Ida’s address
C. that I wrote Ida’s address on it
D. Ida’s address I wrote
E. on it on which I wrote Ida’s address
Kalimat gabungannya tidak Iagi menggunakan kata ganti it yang menunjuk pada the piece of paper dan preposisinya diletakkan diawal klausa.
Baca Juga :
- 40 Soal Participle Pilihan Ganda Lengkap Beserta Pembahasannya
- 40 Soal Elliptic and Parallel Construction Lengkap Beserta Pembahasannya
11. 'Who won the Ford Foundation scholarship?’
‘The high school student ___ the city council had chosen as the best student.’
A. who
B. whose
C. whom
D. which
E. of which
Kata student dalam kalimat jawaban merupakan objek. Kalimat asalnya adalah The city council had chosen him as the best student. Untuk menggantikannya digunakan WHOM.
Jawaban :C
12. Sydney, __ is more than three and ahalf million, is Australia’s largest city.
A. whom the population
B. that the population
C. whether the populatio
D. the population of it
E. the population of which
Ungkapan yang paling tepat untuk meIengkapi kalimat diatas adalah yang menyatakan kepunyaan. Untuk kata benda (Sydney) digunakan kata ganti penghubung of which.
13. ‘Is everybody graduated from SMA 1 invited to the party?’
'Well, the party is exclusively for those ___.’
A. they graduated in
B. were 1990 graduates
C. to whom are 1990 graduates
D. who graduated in 1990
E. the 1990 graduation
Kata those pada soal menggantikan orang (everybody), karena posisinya sebagai subjek maka kata ganti penghubung yang digunakan adalah who.
Jawaban : D
14. These scholarships will be given to students ____ .
A. which pass the selection test
B. whose selection test passed
C. they passed the selection pass
D. who have passed the selection test
E. have passed the selection
Ungkapan yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi pernyataan diatas adalah siswa - siswa yang telah lulus tes (students who have passed the test atau students having Passedthetest)
Jawaban : D
15. ‘I visited the University of California last year.’
'That’s the place ___ my brother is studying now.’
A. which
B. when
C. whose
D. whom
E. were
Pembahasan :
Kata ganti penghubung untuk menerangkan tempat adalah where.
Jawaban : E
16. Yanto was a young writer ___ novel won the first prize in the national competition.
A. when
B. which
C. whom
D. who
E. whose
Kata ganti penghubung untuk menyatakan kepunyaan adalah whose.
Jawaban : E
17. The students ___ will be awarded scholarship.
A. who pass with excellent grades
B. they pass with excellent grades
C. they who pass with excellent grades
D. pass with excellent grades
E. to pass with excellent grades
Ungkapan yang bisa digunakan untuk melengkapi pernyataan diatas adalah students who passed with excellent grades atau students passing with excellent grades.
Jawaban :A
18. Teenager delinquency. ___ people are now complaining, has become a popular tapic discussed among psychologist.
A. whom that
B. in which
C. whom
D. who
E which
Kata ganti penghubung untuk menggantikan benda adalah which sedang preposisi untuk dipakai bersama dengan complaining adalah about. Kalimat yang menjadi adjective clause selengkapnya adalah People are now complaining about teenager delinquency.
Jawaban : D
19. The students are collecting money, food and clothes for the people ___ houses were destroyed in the fire last week.
A. who
B. whom
C. whose
D. that
E. which
Kata ganti penghubung untuk menyatakan kepunyaan adalah whose.
Jawaban : C
20. The lay out plan of the Trade fair, ___ the project manager was so concerned, turns out to be quite good.
A. whom
B. about which
C. whose
D. of which
E. which
Kata ganti penghubung untuk menggantikan benda adalah which sedang preposisi untuk dipakai bersama dengan concerned adalah about. Kalimat yang menjadi adjective clause selengkapnya adalah The project manager was so concerned about the layout plan of the trade fair.
Jawaban : B
21. I asked Bob ____ .
A. where did he come from?
B. from where was he coming?
C. from which he come
D. where he came from
E. from where is he?
Pembahasan :
Bagian yang harus diisikan adalah objek kalimat tak Iangsung. Dari semua pilihan jawaban yang ada masing-masing memiIiki susunan subjek predikat sehingga dapat dikategorikan sebagai clause. Clause yang bisa dijadikan objek adalah Noun Clause (klausa benda) dan selalu membentuk kalimat berita (affirmative sentence). Pilihan A, B dan E salah karena berpola kalimat tanya. Pilihan C salah karena kata tanya yang digunakan dan Ietak preposisinya tidak tepat.
Jawaban : D
22. The teacher asked the lazy student ___ the English classes.
A. why hadn't he attended
B. when had he attended
C. hadn’t he attended
D. that he attended
E. how often he had attended
Bagian ynag harus diisikan adalah objek kalimat tak langsung. Karena semua pilihan jawabannya berupa klausa, yang bisa diisikan hanyalah yang berpola kalimat berita. Pilihan A, B, dan C salah karena berpola kaIimat tanya. Pilihan D merupakan kalimat berita, namun pengunaan kata sambung that tidak sesuai dengan makna. Jika induk kalimat menggunakan ask atau wonder. noun clause yang menjadi objeknya harus diawali dengan kata tanya atau if/whether yang berarti apakah.
Jawaban : E
23. I don't remember __ last year.
A. what did I give her for her birthday
B. for her birthday what did I give her
C. what I gave her for her birthday
D. I gave her what for her birthday
E. what for her birthday I gave her
Pembahasan :
Klausa yang bisa dijadikan objek adalah klausa benda yang harus berpola kalimat berita. Pilihan A dan B salah karena berpola kalimat tanya. Jawaban D salah karena posisi kata tanya what tidak sesuai. Jawaban E salah karena keterangan for her birthday seharusnya berada di belakang.
Jawaban :C
24. Do all citizens know ___?
A. what are their rights
B. their rights, what are they
C. what their rights are
D. about what their rights are
E. what rights are their
Klausa yang dapat dijadikan objek adalah klausa benda yang harus berpola kalimat berita.
Jawaban :C
23. The secretary asked me ___ with Mr. Slamet.
A. did I have an appointment
B. how was my appointment
C. whether I had an appointment
D. when is my appointment
E. that i had an appointment
Klausa yang dapat dijadikan objek adalah klausa benda yang harus berpola kalimat berita. Jawaban A, B , dan D salah karena berpola kalimat tanya. Jika induk kalimat menggunakan ask atau wonder, noun clause yang menjadi objeknya harus diawali dengan kata tanya atau if/whether yang berarti apakah.
26. ____ annoys her teacher very much.
A. Why does Ina always come late
B. Whether Ina always late
C. If Ina always comes late
D. Ina always comes late
E. That Ina always comes late
Bagian yang harus dilengkapi adalah subjek kalimat. Dalam posisi subjek, clause tersebut harus diawali kata sambung yang berupa kata tanya atau if/whether atau that. Pilihan A salah karena berpola kalimat tanya. Pilihan B salah karena tidak memiliki predikat. Pilihan C salah karena kata sambung if tidak sesuai dengan maknanya. Pilihan D salah karena tidak diawali dengan kata sambung (konjungsi).
Jawaban : E
27. Since the tourist had a map, he knew ___ .
A. where was the bus terminal
B. whether the bus terminal was there
C. where the bus terminal was
D. the bus terminal was there
E. was the bus terminal there
Klausa yang dapat dijadikan objek adalah klausa benda yang harus berpola kalimat berita.
28. Doctors agree ___ patients should try to reduce taking medicine for slight headache.
A. whether
B. which
C. that
D. how
E. what
Pembahasan :
Konjungsi yang tepat untuk digunakan adalah that (bahwa).
Jawaban : C
29. ’I hear your son is going hiking again.’ 'Oh, yes. | just don’t understand __ so much.’
A. why he likes it
B. he likes it
C. that he likes it
D. why does he likes it
E. does he likes it
Pembahasan :
Klausa yang dapat dijadikan objek adalah
klausa benda yang harus berpola kalimat berita.
Jawaban :A
30. ___ cigarette smoke can be harmful for non-smokers is a fact not many smokers realize.
A. Whether
B. That
C. Which
D. if
E. When
Konjungsi yang tepat untuk digunakan adalah that (bahwa)
Jawaban : B
31. I can’t send her this letter. I don't know ___ .
A. which road she should live
B. when she lives there
C. why she lives there
D. where she lives
E. how she lives
Keterangan I can’t send her this letter menunjukkan bahwa yang dimaksud
adalah tempat dimana dia tinggal.
Jawaban : B
32. _____ Michael Douglas a good actor is his ability to play the role of different character so well.
A. That makes
B. Whether making
C. What makes
D. This is made
E. In order to make
Dari segi makna jawaban yang tepat adalah what makes (apa yang membuat).
Jawaban : C
33. 'What do reporters usually ask the authorities nowadays?’
'___ Indonesia will soon be able to overcome its economic problem very soon.’
A. Whether
B. In case
C. Where
D. Why
E. That
Dari segi makna jawaban yang tepat adalah whether (apakah) karena kalimat asalnya adalah bentuk pertanyaan.
Jawaban : A
34. 'What does the announcement say?’
'___ get their money back.’
A. Depositors of the liquidated bank
B. Will the depositors of the liquidated bank
C. About the depositors of the liquidated bank who will
D. That the depositors of the liquidated bank will
E. Which of the depositors of the liquidated bank will
Untuk menunjukkan pernyataan (say), konjungsi yang digunakan adalah that
Jawaban : D
35. _____ is along holiday after passing your exam.
A. You need
B. Why you need
C. It is needed
D. What you need
E. Whether you need
Dari segi maknajawaban yang tepat adalah what you need (apa yang kamu perlukan).
Jawaban : C
6. 'What does the announcement say?’
___ should submit their progress report.’
A. whether students on scholarship
B. are students on scholarship
C. if students on scholarship
D. that students on scholarship
E. when students on scholarship
Untuk menunjukkan pernyataan (say), konjungsi yang digunakan adalah that.
Jawaban : D
37. 'What did Bambang said to you?’
'___ he would join us at the restaurant after his meeting.'
A. When
B. Whether
C. Why
D. Where
E. That
Untuk menunjukkan pernyataan (say), konjungsi yang digunakan adalah that.
Jawaban : E
38. ____ is a beautiful island rich in culture has been confirmed by tourist from around the world.
A. Bali
B. Whether Bali
C. If Bali
D. That Bali
E. How Bali
Dari segi makna, jawaban yang tepat adalah That Bali (Bahwa Bali).
39. 'What is the 'most worrying effect of the economic crisis?’
'___ children are deprived of nutritious food necessary for their physical and intellectual development.'
A. Why
B. That
C. What
D. Which
E. When
Pembahasan :
Dari segi makna, jawaban yang tepat adalah that.
Jawaban : B
40. ‘I’ve heard that your daughter is going to climb Mount Semeru for the second time.’
'That’s right. I don’t understand ___ to do it.’
A. why does she want
B. that she wants
C. why she wants
D. does she wants
E. what she wants
Dari dialog diatas dapat diketahui bahwa jawaban yang diharapkan adalah alasan kenapa dia mau melakukannya. Jawaban A meskipun telah menggunakan kata tanya yang tepat, tidak dapat digunakan karena berpola kalimat tanya.
Jawaban : D
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