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Soal Passive Voice Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMA Lengkap Beserta Pembahasannya

Soal Passive Voice Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMA Lengkap Beserta Pembahasannya
Soal Pilihan Ganda Passive Voice Beserta Jawaban
1. 'I haven't got the report on the seminar held last week’
’l’m sure it _____ on your desk yesterday”Do you often go to restaurant?’
A. put
B. being put
C. was putting
D. was put
E. putting

Pembahasan :
Konteks menghendaki kalimat pasif waktu lampau (Past Tense)
Jawaban : D

2. ”I'd like to book three standard rooms for next week, please.”
”I'm sorry, Sir, our hotel _____ until the end of the month.”
A. it is fully booked
B. we book it fully
C. is fully booked
D. booking it fully
E. to be fully booked

Pembahasan : Konteks menunjukkan bahwa hotel itu dipesan penuh hingga akhir bulan menghendaki bentuk pasif (Our hotel is fully booked).

Jawaban : C

3. ”What time will the delayed plane depart?"
”They say that it _____ soon."
A. will announce
B. is to announce
C. to be announced
D. announces
E. will be announced

Passive Voice dalam bentuk Future Tense (lt will be announced soon, akan diumumkan segera).

Jawaban : E

4. ”Last night a thief brake into my brother's house."
”Really? What _____ from the house?"
A. he took
B. it was taken
C. was being taken
D. was taking
E. was taken

Pembahasan :
Kalimat pasif bentuk past tense (lampau). Jawaban: E

5. Donny does not mind doing extra work, but doesn't like _____ .
A. criticize
B. criticizing
C. is criticized
D. be criticized
E. to be criticized

Konteks menunjukkan bentuk pasif, but doesn't like to be criticized. (... tetapi tidak suka dikritik).

Jawaban: E

6. ”A well-known architect is designing our new office.”
The passive form of the above sentence is: ”Our new office _____ by a well-known architect.”
A. designs
B. designed
C. be designing
D. Is designed
E. is being designed

Bentuk passive progressive/continuous adalah to be + being + V3.

Jawaban: E

7. ”Some workers were loading the containers into the van.
" The passive form of the above sentence is:
”The containers __ into the van."
A. were loaded
B. are loading
C. be loaded
D. were being loaded
E. are to loaded
Pembahasan :
Bentuk passive progressive/continuous adalah to be + being + V3.

Jawaban: D

8. I became quite nervous when I knew tha1 my speech ______.
A. was to record
B. to be recorded
C. being recorded
D. to be recording
E. was being recorded

Pembahasan :
Dari segi makna, bentuk yang tepat adalah pasif/ceramah saya (my speech) sedang direkam', bukan 'merekam'.

Jawaban: E

9. ”Which painting will be exhibited tomorrow?” ”We don't know yet, they by a team."
A. are still being selected
B. are still selecting
C. still be selected
D. still selected
E. still selecting

Alasan yang memungkinkan belum dlketa. huinya lukisan mana yang akan dipamerkan adalah lukisan itu sedang diseleksi.
Jawaban : A

10. "I want the red dress displayed in the windows yesterday.”
”I’m sorry, it _____ ."
A. has been selling
B. has to be sold
C. has to sell
D. has sold
E. has been sold

Pembahasan :
Jawaban I'm sorry menunjukkan bahwa pakaian itu telah terjual/dijual. Kata kerja pasif dibentuk dari to be + V3. Jawaban (B) tidak tepat karena berarti belum terjual.

Jawabaan : E

Baca Juga :

11. ”Last night someone broke into our house."
“Oh, dear! ____?”
A. Did anything take
B. Had anything taken
C. Anything to be taken
D. Anything to take
E. Was anything being taken

Pembahasan :
Pertanyaan yang logis adalah ”Adakah sesuatu yang diambil?” (pasif).

Jawaban : E

12. ”Is Irma still in the training department?"
”No, she _____ to the Sales Department ''
A. has transferred
B. being transferred
C. has been transferring
D. to be transferred
E. has been transferred Pembahasan :
Dari segi makna. bentuk yang sesuai

adalah pasif. ”Dia telah dipindahkan ke Bagian Penjualan".

Jawaban: E

13. Anita is looking forward to her birthday because she ____ a new watch.
A. promised
B. has been promising
C. being promised
D. has been promised
E. has promised
Pembahasan :
Dari segi makna, bentuk yang sesuai adalah pasif. ”Dia telah dijanjikan sebuah jam baru.”.

Jawaban: D

14. ”What happened to her skirt?”
”Oh, _ when she jumped over the fence.”
A. it was torn
B. to be torn
C. it tore
D. tearing
E. be torn

Pembahasan :
Dari segi makna, bentukyang sesuai adalah pasif. ”Rok itu robek.".
Jawaban: A

15. ”When did the accident happen?” ”.When the goods _____ from the truck."
A. were unloading
B. were being unloaded
C. being unloaded
D. they were unloading
E. unloaded

Pembahasan :
Dari segi makna, bentukyang sesuai adalah pasif. Kata when menunjukkan sedang berlangsungnya peristiwa, oleh karena itu digunakan bentuk pasif progresif.

Jawaban: B

16. "Have you delivered the packages to the customer?"
"Not yet, some _____."
A. are still being wrapped
B. have been wrapped
C. will have been wrapped
D. would be wrapped
E. were wrapped

Pembahasan :
Alasan yang memungkinkan bingkisan (packages) belum dikirim adalah karena masih sedang dibungkus.

Jawaban:  A

17. ”Can we get tickets for the second show of Jurassic Park?"
”I think they _______ .”
A. are sold out
B. are to be sold out
C. sold out
D. be sold out
E. are selling them out
Pembahasan :
Dari segi makna, bentukyang sesuai adalah pasif. 'Tiket-tiket itu terjual/dijual.'

Jawaban: A

18. There's a very popular TV program. Every week it _____ by millions of people.
A. watches
B. being watched
C. is watched
D. has watched
E. to be watched

Dari segi makna, bentuk yang sesuai adalah pasif. Film itu ditonton'.

Jawaban: C

19. ”What should we do with this pile of letters?”
”They _______ ."
A. should file
B. being filed
C. shou|d be filed
D. be filed
E. should be filling

Pembahasan :
Dari segi makna, bentukyang sesuai adalah pasif. ’Surat-surat itu seharusnya diarsip'

Jawaban: C

20. The picture is not here anymore, it must have ______ .
A. being taken away
B. took away
C. taken away
D. been taking away
E. being taken

Pembahasan :
Dari segi makna, bentukyangsesuai adalah pasif.'Gambar itu pasti telah diambil'.

Jawaban: E

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